Thursday, July 11, 2013

Daddy's Birthday

Earlier this month, we celebrated Daddy’s birthday! To celebrate, we went out for dinner as a family. He had requested to go to a local catfish restaurant that also happens to have very good country-fried steak (one of his favorites.) We all piled into the car once he got home from work, and Mom and Josiah got back from Tae-Kwon-Do. (Actually, we had to walk to the car down our LONG driveway in the 95-degree heat because our gate doesn’t like to open once it gets that hot. :-P)

We pulled into an empty parking lot at the catfish restaurant. It turns out they are only open on the weekends in the summer time! This is the same restaurant that closes for 6 weeks around Christmas time. You just never know if a restaurant around here will be open or not. People are not afraid to take time off when they want to!

So we substituted and went to a local Mexican restaurant. Dad and Roma had been there on a Daddy-Daughter Date Night, but the rest of us hadn’t been yet.

Josiah and Mommy waiting to place their order.
Photo Credit: Roma.
The birthday boy and me. J I love my Daddy!
Photo Credit: Betsy.
The food was really good! I had shrimp in a garlic sauce, served over cooked cabbage with fresh avocado slices, Spanish rice, and salad.
When we got home, Daddy opened his gifts. We gave him a gift card to Taco Cabana (his favorite fast food place) and some cologne. A few days before, he had gone out with Ben to pick out a new weight bench and equipment to go with it.
We also gave him a metal sign with Philippians 4:13 on it to hang in his workshop (it had a picture of an iron worker in the background.)
Someone was sitting just a bit close. J I love my brother too! What you don’t see is the picture taken just a few seconds after this. My face is contorted in pain as his 5 o’clock shadow was pressed a bit too hard into my face. J
Photo Credit: Roma.
Then we had birthday cake! Keeping with tradition, Daddy chose Mom’s triple chocolate cake. It was delicious as always!
I’m so grateful for my Daddy and all the years we’ve been blessed by him. Here’s to many more!


Debbie said...

Thank you for showering my favorite brother with so much love on his special day! I can understand why he likes the restaurant that has country fried steak. Grandma used to make this dish and it was soooo good :-)

Love and hugs to all,
Aunt Debbie

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Can't wait to see you in August.

7 Eagles said...

Daddy speaks often of Grandma's country-fried steak, Aunt Debbie! I think he misses it. She was a great cook!


7 Eagles said...

I'll pass along your birthday wishes, Uncle Paul. We are counting down the weeks until we can see your family! :-)
