Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Texas Picture: July

Photo Credit: Roma

As the saying goes, “everything is bigger in Texas.” We knew the day would come when we would finally spot a snake on our property. There are reported copperheads on our road, so we’ve been keeping our eyes open as the summer weather has heated up.

While my siblings and I sat watching our Spanish lesson in the den a couple of weeks ago, the cat started playing by the window. I looked over as a head slowly came in view over our wicker loveseat. It scared me half-to-death at first! Once we recovered from the shock, we all admired the 5-foot-long snake resting on our porch furniture.

After some research, we determined that it was just a common rat (or chicken) snake. While large, it’s not venomous or aggressive. But boy, did he give us some excitement!

While I don’t have pictures, the bugs down here are truly “Texas-sized.” This morning I saw what looked like a cross between a bee, a wasp, and a dragon fly. It was bigger than a hot wheel car! The beetles and roaches are extra large as well. :-P I had the pleasure of wearing one on my head at church yesterday. It dropped from the ceiling onto my head as I was talking with someone. It caused quite a scene. J It’s a good thing I’m not afraid of bugs!


Leah said...

Yikes! I'm glad that you love living in Texas. I couldn't imagine me living in Texas. I'm not big fans of snakes or bugs.

7 Eagles said...

Honestly, Leah, the first month or so, I was terrified of the bugs and creatures here! But over time, you can adapt to most anything. :-) After awhile, you don't even think about them that much.
