Sunday, July 14, 2013


Photo Credit: Roma.

“God created the world out of nothing
And as long as we are nothing
He can make something out of us.”

--Martin Luther


Unknown said...

As I look back on history, it's incredible how many famous and powerful leaders started out as peasants or came from poverty-stricken families. God can use what we would call "nothing" to help fulfill his plan in history.

7 Eagles said...

So true, Lydia. God seems to delight in turning most of our expectations upside down. He brings beauty from ashes, uses the simple to confound the wise, creates heaven and earth from the formless and void, speaks not in the thunder but in the whisper, and makes the first last and the last first in the kingdom of heaven. And all so that we may know that He alone is God, and worthy to be praised!

~ Betsy