Friday, June 24, 2011

Places We Would Like to Visit

In light of our post a few weeks ago, in which we shared our favorite vacations, I thought it would be appropriate to share about places we would like to visit someday. Some of these may never happen in this life, but we will share them anyway. J

Mark—I have had the great fortune to travel extensively around the world for work and to see many outstanding places.  The place I would enjoy the most would be to see the Holy Lands!  I have been to Turkey, but would like to go back and take a tour of the 7 churches of Revelation.  I absolutely love Italy.  I have been to various cities in the north, but have never been to Rome.  I would also enjoy seeing some of the historical sites in Greece.

Betsy—I have never been out west, so I would very much enjoy seeing that part of the country. In Europe, I long to visit England and Italy. The Galapagos Islands would be very intriguing from a creationist point of view. But overall, my dream trip would be to visit the Holy Land, and walk through the places where Jesus walked. And for my final destination, I look forward to journeying to the “real country at the back of the North Wind”…and never returning!

Bianca—I have always wanted to see the western United States. Technically, I’ve been to Texas, but sitting in the Houston airport doesn’t really count! Other than that, the farthest west I’ve been is Indiana. Sad, isn’t it? If possible, I would love to visit all 50 states in my lifetime. Given the opportunity to travel abroad, I think I would like to visit Italy, England, Peru, Jamaica, and maybe China. I’ve already been to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Washington D.C., and Virginia, but I would love to visit them again!

Ben—I am a big time history geek. So some places I would like to visit include: Rome Italy, Athens Greece, and Jerusalem Israel. I would also like to visit London and Paris, and I would love to go out-west some time!

Rubia—I would really like to visit Jerusalem. I would also like to see China, the Galapagos Islands, and Paris, France.

Roma—I would love to visit the Holy Land, the Grand Canyon, Paris, California, and Russia.

Josiah—I would like to visit the Bahamas, New York, Mexico, and China.

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