Tuesday, June 28, 2011


One thing we love to do every summer is make strawberry freezer jam. So last week we made a trip to the market and bought a whole case (8 quarts) of Michigan grown strawberries!

I love the bright color!

Josiah washed all of the Tupperware® containers for us. He also washed up the strawberries.

The twins hulled the strawberries.

Instead of cutting and mashing strawberries by hand, we found that our little food processor does this job quite well. So we simply hull the strawberries, and the processor does the rest!

Mixing up the pectin is very sweaty work! For two batches we used Sure-Jell® Pectin, and for the other two we used Certo®. I think I prefer the Certo® because you just pour the jell in versus mixing it with water and thickening it on the stove.

We then mixed up the strawberry puree and the pectin.

Then poured them into the containers.

We ended up with quite a bit of jelly as you can tell! I’m not exactly sure how much jam we got out of 4 quarts of berries. I’m thinking it was close to 20 cups.

For two of the quarts, we washed and hulled the berries. . .

. . .and froze them on cookie sheets. We then put them into freezer bags to use in smoothies, bread, pies, etc.
The last two quarts of berries were left for snacking! They were warm, sweet, and delicious. And with the frozen berries above, we can look forward to enjoying strawberries for many months to come!


Amy said...


Debbie said...

I agree with Amy :-) Your jam looks yummy!

Sarah said...

This was a fun post, Bianca! What a blessing that you were able to get so many strawberries and be able to put them up to be enjoyed later. I am sure you had a fun time together doing all of that!

Cousin E said...

It looks like a good time to visit Michigan....the berries & jam look so good. I know you all will be enjoying them for a long time.

7 Eagles said...

Mmmmm is right, Amy! Everything we've made with the strawberries has been quite delicious!


7 Eagles said...

The jam was very yummy, Aunt Debbie! I wish I could send you some, but I don't think it would keep that well in a package with all the heat down south. :-)


7 Eagles said...

Thank you for your comment, Sarah! It was indeed a blessing and a lot of fun putting up the strawberry jam. Unfortunately, I doubt that the jam will last very long as it is a favorite around here!


7 Eagles said...

Right now is a very good time to visit Michigan, Cousin E! Our summer weather would probably feel more like spring to you. There are also lots of garage sales this time of year. :-)

As I said in a previous comment, I'm guessing that the jam won't last that long since everyone around here loves it so much. But we'll just make more next year!
