Friday, July 22, 2011

Favorite Ways to Beat the Heat

Considering the fact that nearly half of the country is under a heat dome, it seemed appropriate to share our favorite ways to beat the oppressive heat! In fact, yesterday (Thursday, July 21st) our temperature forecast was several degrees higher than Florida and Mexico! Temperatures soared into the 90’s with humidity in the 40’s and 50’s, and the heat indexes reached 105°F at times. Needless to say, we wanted to stay cool!

Mark—My favorite way to beat the heat is to jump in a pool.

Betsy—Whenever possible, I love to jump in the lake and stay there for a long time! When the lake is not handy, I cool off with my version of iced coffee. Fill a tall glass with ice. Pour equal parts milk and coffee (left over from my breakfast pot).Sprinkle with cinnamon, and stir. Very refreshing! Last but not least, I find that a cool shower right before bedtime is an excellent way to beat the heat and end the day!

Bianca—I think the perfect way to beat the heat would be enjoying a day at the beach, sipping an ice cold soda or smoothie. Wait, I just did that this weekend! J I really love fruit smoothies, and I will be sharing one of our favorite recipes tomorrow, so stay tuned for a refreshing cooler for the weekend!

Ben—I like to jump into a 60-something degree pool or lake. Nice and refreshing!

Rubia—I like to drink smoothies when it gets hot. I really like Mom’s orange smoothies!

Roma—I like to get wet! I run in the sprinkler, play with the hose, jump in a pool, or jump in the lake.

Josiah—I like drinking ice, ice, ice-cold water. I also like lying down on the air conditioning vents in our floor. I go to our basement because it’s cooler down there than our upstairs floors.


Amy said...

I was excited when I saw the title of this post. Of course, my favorite option is the lake too.

Yesterday Aaron charged the air conditioning unit in my van. I went outside in the driveway and tried it out. Ahhh. Too bad gas wasn't cheaper!

One of the Wassenbergs said...

I think our family's favorite way to cool down is definitely some form of water (pool, beach, lake, sprinkler, etc.). It's been in the 100's down here with heat index's soaring into the 120's!! Not very nice to work in I assure you! Hopefully it'll cool down soon so we can get back into our gardens.

Love in Christ,
The Wassenbergs

7 Eagles said...

I was pretty sure that your favorite way to beat the heat was going to the lake, Amy! And I had to laugh at the mental image of you sitting in the van, in the driveway with the air on! :-) That's also an effective way to cool off!


7 Eagles said...

I can imagine that it is swelteringly hot down in VA, whichever-Wassenberg-commented. :-) I can't imagine temperatures that high. What really makes it miserable is the humidity, which has been extremely high in our area. But hopefully it will remain cooler this week!
