Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Park Day and a Visit with Friends

Last Tuesday, we spent the day at the park! Our old homeschool group has park days every other week during the summer, and we enjoy visiting when we can,’ though it is quite a drive!

We enjoyed playing a game called “Monkey on the ground” with our friends who had also just spent the weekend with us. “Monkey on the ground” is like the Marco Polo game that is usually played in a pool, but it is played on a playground. One person closes their eyes and tries to tag others, and if they think someone is on the ground, they shout, “monkey on the ground” and that person is now “it.”

Sometimes the game involved hanging on tightly to a ladder while dodging the person trying to tag you from above.

While we played, the Moms talked. Just as a note, there were lots of people there, but most of them had already left during the time I took these pictures.

After our time at the park, we visited some dear friends whom we haven’t seen in several months. We enjoyed sitting out on their porch visiting.

The kids enjoyed playing games on the front lawn.

The game became rather intense after awhile. Photo credit goes to our friend Amy.

We sipped iced tea. . .

. . .sampled peach and blueberry fool. . .

. . .and ate banana chocolate chip coffee cake. It was all very delicious, and provided good subjects for food photography! J

Roma holding our friend’s cousin. Doesn’t she have the chubbiest little cheeks? She must endure lots of cheek-pinching.

And that was our afternoon! It was so much fun visiting friends and we hope to go back sometime in the near future!


Amy said...

Ah, but the pictures don't show how hot it was!

7 Eagles said...

I know, Amy! :-) At least there was a lovely breeze out on the porch. It made the high temperatures more tolerable.


Betsy said...

I was so bummed out that I missed your visit :(

And yes Hosanna's adorable cheeks experience LOTS of pinching!

7 Eagles said...

We're sorry we missed you too, bouncy Betsy! :-) Things weren't quite the same.

Maybe that's why Hosanna looked unsure about me taking her picture; maybe she thought I would pinch her at any moment!
