Friday, July 8, 2011


We believe that everyone has been blessed by God with gifts and talents, and we are to share those with others, to the glory of God. We desire to be modest and not brag about our talents but rather to share them because we’d love to hear ideas on how we can use those talents to bring glory to God and serve others! We’d also love to hear some of your talents! Leave us a comment!

Mark—I enjoy teaching. I have used that talent to teach Sunday School for adults for a number of years. I also enjoy engineering (metallurgical). I also became a private pilot about 10 years ago and enjoy flying small aircraft. I would like to encourage more young people to consider missionary aviation as a career.

Betsy—The Lord has blessed me with the ability to write and communicate effectively, and I have tried to use that to encourage others in their daily lives. I have the ability to remain calm during highly stressful situations…’though “little” things can turn me upside down. My mind is constantly performing its version of triage, such that I’m able to sort through a myriad of conflicting priorities and tackle the most important ones first. This has helped me in everything from balancing the needs—educational and otherwise—of a household of seven, to getting a multi-course meal on the table and having everything hot at the same time. And finally, I have a talent for packing a suitcase mentally, long before I ever actually get anything in it. This has enabled me to ALWAYS pack for a trip at the very last minute. J

Bianca—I enjoy photography and gardening a lot and seem to have a “knack” for them both. I also enjoy music and can play the piano and guitar. I enjoy running and I’m working on getting better at it. J I baffle the rest of my family because I will disappear for ½ an hour and when I come down, I am all packed and ready to leave for a week of vacation. J I can also stay pretty calm during emergencies and while thinking through a difficult situation.

Ben—I am good at playing the drums, cleaning, and landscaping. I LOVE history and am good at remembering dates. I am also good at running, basketball, baseball, and football. Basically anything with a ball. J

Rubia—People tell me that I’m good with animals, especially dogs. I also love writing stories. I’m also pretty good at knitting and Spanish.

Roma—I’m very good with cats. I’m also good with little kids. I write, knit, bake, play piano, and I'm good at being funny. J

Josiah—I am good at doing math. I really like numbers. J I’m also good at building with my Lego® sets. I also like playing football and baseball.


One of the Wassenbergs said...

My talents are, playing guitar, ltd., calmness J, and singing. (even though I don't sing a lot!)

In His Service,

7 Eagles said...

Thank you for your comment, Caleb! I enjoy playing the guitar and singing as well, but I'm not very good at either!

Say hello to your sisters for me!
