Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Get Togethers with Friends

This past week we had get-togethers with two different families, one whom we had never met before (the Dads worked together and found that we have a lot of the same values such as homeschooling, dressing modestly, etc.); and a second with friends from worship dance. They were both lots of fun and I thought I’d share a few pictures with you from our time together:

The delicious spread of food during our get together with the H family.
Though there were 16 people total, we all sat around the same table, which was great!
The amazing meal of tacos over rice. What really topped it for me was the fresh cilantro. I think you could put cilantro on anything and I would fall head over heels in love with the dish. That’s how much I love cilantro!
After dinner we enjoyed building with legos, and playing board and card games together.
The Moms and older girls spent time chatting together.
We had another family over later in the week. Here, the girls enjoy posing together.
And posing again!
My friend B and I had fun shooting portraits of each other. Since we’re both photographers, we don’t get our picture taken very often, so we took each other’s pictures!
B did a great job capturing a few pictures of me, including this one which is my new picture on our “About Our Family” page.
Roma, posing by the garden fence.
Some of the kids playing on the swingset and chatting. After this, we played 2 rounds of capture the flag, one of which was in the dark making it quite interesting! J

We had a wonderful time with these two families! We hope that we will be able to get together with them again in the near future!

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