Sunday, September 11, 2011

Americans, Remember the Past

Arlington National Cemetery.

“Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past. Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you.” Deuteronomy 32:7

Those of you reading this probably have some memories of September 11, 2001. I have some, but they are vague because my young mind couldn’t comprehend the gravity of the attacks on the U.S. But there are images—flashbacks—that have been forever etched in my mind. One that stands out above all the others is of a man in business attire, standing in a cloud of ash, with a dazed, horrified look on his face.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.

But sadly, there are some in America who seem to have forgotten 9/11. They complain about the state of our military, protest at their funerals, desire to build a mosque just blocks away from Ground Zero, and talk about the attacks and the lives lost very lightly and carelessly. How can a nation forget such a horrific day in just 10 short years?

The Washington Monument.

According to the Bible, America isn’t the only nation who had trouble remembering its past. We see in Deuteronomy 32:7 an exhortation to the people of Israel to remember their past. They were instructed to ask their fathers and the elders to have them explain what happened long ago, and its meaning.

World War II Memorial.

‘Though my memories of 9/11 are few, I am blessed with parents who remember that day vividly. So vividly in fact, that at times they cannot discuss that day without tears coming into their eyes. I have a responsibility to ask them questions about that day, so that I can pass on that important piece of history—and its lessons--to my children one day, Lord willing.

Korean War Veterans Memorial.

Why is it important to remember this day? Because although that day 10 years ago was a very tragic one, there is hope, even in history’s darkest hours. We serve a God who is the Author of HIS-story. He works providentially in all events, throughout all time, and uses even the horrific to bring honor and glory to His name.

Inside the National Cathedral.

Therefore, on this day, September 11, 2011, remember your past, fellow Americans! Talk about it with your children (or parents) and look for the ways that God has worked providentially through 9/11. Soli Deo Gloria!


7 Eagles said...

This is a wonderful exhortation, Bianca. May we always remember that our God orchestrates all things for His divine purposes, and brings healing out of the ashes. He is indeed good!

~ Love, Mom

7 Eagles said...

Thank you, Mom! We indeed need to remember that God is the author and director of all history. What a wonderful promise to us!
