Tuesday, September 6, 2011

An Evening with Friends

A couple of weeks ago, we had the blessing of having dinner with some dear friends of ours. What made it extra special was the fact that it was my friend’s birthday, so we celebrated with their family!

Before dinner, we had fun playing with their cats and new batches of kittens. Here, Roma holds the proud Mama, Licorice.

And here is Gumdrop with all the kittens! They’re only a few weeks old and so fun to hold.

We enjoyed our dinner out on the porch. You can see all the men and boys out in the barn grilling the burgers.

Unfortunately, this picture is out of focus, but you can see what we had for dinner. We ate homemade burgers and buns with all the toppings, Mediterranean salad (similar to Tabouli), spicy potato salad, fruit salad, chips and salsa (not pictured), and pink lemonade. It was so delicious!

Enjoying the meal together.
I have a bad habit of neglecting my camera when we get together with friends, so I’ll just have to fill you in on our other activities. After dinner, we started a game of volleyball in their sandpit. It was lots of fun, ‘though a few got injured (i.e. getting hit with the ball, and jamming toes while running down the hill to catch errant balls.)

Then the girls and ladies came inside for awhile to discuss and play some new music for our girls’ Bible study group, which will start later this year. By the time we finished, it was quite dark out. We met up with the boys who had been playing ping pong in the barn and we all decided to play capture the flag. It was a very lively game and very well matched!

After that, we decided to play Kick the Can. In this game, everyone hides while one person counts. When that person is finished counting, he tries to tag anyone he sees. Those who are hiding try to “kick the can” (in our case, a bottle of water lying in the middle of the yard.) Once they kick the can they are safe. It went very well until one of the adult children ran into a rock. Thankfully, I don’t think he was seriously hurt; he only had a badly jammed toe. So we decided to play tuna (also known as sardines) since that is less violent.

Before long, we had to leave, because it was after 10:00 p.m.! But we had a fabulous time together and hope to see our friends again in the near future!

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