Friday, September 2, 2011

A Movie No One Would Expect You To Love

If we were all honest, I think we would admit we all have movies that we like, that no one would expect us to enjoy. Maybe a young man enjoys a movie classified as a “chick flick” or an adult enjoys a “kids” movie. Here are some of our favorite movies that people probably wouldn’t expect us to like:

Mark— I enjoyed the movie “Kit” – this was an American Girl story.  There were two things I liked about the movie: it was set during WWII (a time period that I enjoy studying), and it showed how families came together to help one another.

Betsy I really enjoy the movie “Facing the Giants.” Even though it revolves around football, I love the filming, the story line, the excitement and action, and the acting. I also really enjoy the movie “Frosty the Snowman.” I still get a lump in my throat when Frosty melts, and the movie just brings back happy memories of my childhood Christmases.

Bianca—One movie that probably no one would expect me to love is the “End of the Spear.” Most people probably wouldn’t think a girl would like a movie with such a violent theme. But because the story is true, I think it is something people need to know about. It sobers me to realize that there are still people dying for their Christian faith. I need to pray for them every day.

Ben—I love Disney Pixar movies. My favorite is “Ratatouille.” I also like “Meet the Robinsons,” “Up,” “Cars 1,” and the “Toy Story” series. I like the “Toy Story” trilogy because it brings back memories from my childhood.

Rubia—I like the “Love Comes Softly” movie series (“Love Comes Softly,” “Love’s Enduring Promise,” “Love’s Long Journey,” “Love’s Abiding Joy,” and “Love’s Unending Legacy.”)

Roma—A lot of kids these days like more modern movies, but I also enjoy older movies such as “The Sound of Music;” black and white shows like “Ozzie and Harriet;” and also “Pamela’s Prayer.”

Josiah—I like the movie “Eloise at Christmastime.” Even though Eloise is a girl, I like how she acts like a spy sometimes.


Amy said...

Interesting topic.

7 Eagles said...

It was a topic that definitely made us think hard, Amy!
