Friday, September 23, 2011

Favorite Teas

Sadly, we are putting together this post while we pause every few moments to grab a Kleenex or to cough. Somehow we contracted a viral cold bug and each of us have “dropped like flies” one by one. We are all feeling rather sick right now, so I thought it would be appropriate to share some of our favorite teas. We’ve certainly been consuming a lot lately to soothe our coughs and colds!

Mark—There are so many good teas. My favorite is probably Earl Gray Tea with sugar. I prefer strong tea in the morning, weak tea in the evenings.

Betsy—My favorite tea has always been Chinese green tea. I find it has a mild flavor that I enjoy. Aside from that, I also like honey lemon ginseng, ginger, and peach tea. I prefer my tea medium strength, sweetened with honey or a little bit of sugar.

Bianca—I enjoy many teas, so it’s hard to pick a few favorites! If it’s a strong, black tea, there is a good chance I’ll like it. I like peach tea, Earl Grey, pomegranate, and as of late, peppermint tea. I leave my tea bags in my cup the whole time I’m sipping because I like it that strong. I also like to sweeten my tea with lots of honey. Nothing soothes the sore throat I’ve been having lately like a cup of peppermint tea with honey!

Ben—Probably the best tea I’ve ever had is chocolate mint tea, made with Bianca’s fresh chocolate mint leaves. (Although I personally don’t taste the chocolate. J) I also like peach tea. I like to sweeten my tea with a little bit of sugar and I drink it so strong that I leave the tea bag in the whole time I’m sipping.

Rubia—My top favorite tea is peach. I also like Earl Grey, peppermint, and green tea. I like my tea to be medium in strength and I usually drink it unsweetened. But if I do sweeten it, I use a little bit of honey.

Roma—I have a lot of favorite teas! I like peach tea, green tea, honey lemon ginseng, peppermint, Earl Grey, and any kind of berry tea. I usually sweeten my teas with plenty of honey and I like my tea to be strong.

Josiah—I like peach tea and iced tea. I like my peach tea with cream and sugar. I usually make my tea mild.


Amy said...

I drink my tea unsweetened. I like weaker tea and Julie likes stronger tea. So I dip the tea bag in my water a few times and give it to Julie. She wrings every bit of flavor out of the tea bag.

Delighting in Jesus said...

Hi Bianca (and family),

Our family is having the same you think it can pass over the internet ;)? Whenever cold season comes around mama makes sure we have a good supply of medicinal teas. Actually a lot of teas you pictured in your previous post we have and use often. Along with vitamins and homeopathic remedy's the teas do wonders. Hope you all feel better soon!

Love in Christ,

7 Eagles said...

I am definitely more like Julie when it comes to tea, Amy! My Dad makes the most of his tea bag by using it two or three times before throwing it away. After it has been used once, the flavor isn't strong enough for me. But to each his (or her) own!


7 Eagles said...

I sure hope that viruses cannot be passed over the internet, Hannah! But thankfully, it appears the bug we have is a 2-3 day bug. So hopefully your family will recover soon!

I have found that peppermint tea with honey is very soothing to a congested and slightly raw throat. And last night I swallowed a teaspoon of honey right before going to sleep and my throat feels so much better this morning! And honey is much more pleasant to swallow than cough syrup. There are definitely a lot of benefits to researching natural medicine!


Debbie said...

Is everyone feeling better now?

Love & Prayers,
Aunt Debbie

7 Eagles said...

Everyone is on the mend now, Aunt Debbie. It seemed to be a two-day bug, but a few of us still have lingering coughs. So we'd still appreciate prayers!
