Tuesday, May 21, 2013

End-of-Year Life Group Party

This past Sunday, Mom and Dad’s Life Group from church had their end-of-year party! (Life Group is small adult Bible study groups our church does instead of Sunday Schools.) EVERYONE was actually able to come to the party (41 people total, 21 adults and 20 kids) so it was a lot of fun!

It was the perfect evening for a cook-out! We had burgers and hot dogs with all the fixings, cole slaw, fruit salad, veggies with dip, chips, and Texas Caviar. For dessert, there was a chocolate pudding pie, a white gluten-free cake, chocolate peanut butter cookies, a white cake with fruit filling, and chocolate sheet cake.
We had a great time visiting with everyone together. While the regular weekly study is over, they still plan to get together 2 or 3 times over the summer. We’ll miss seeing everyone on a regular basis, but we look forward to enjoying a relaxing summer and getting back together in the fall!

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