Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Invisible Fence® Training

A couple of weeks ago, we had yet another Invisible Fence® Training session. Mikey had been improving on his willingness to go in the yard, and had not yet left the property once! But, there are times when he will have to leave the yard. So, the trainer taught us where his “gate” should be and we worked with him on entering and exiting the property.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we actually have a pretty smart dog. J He did NOT want to cross that line AT ALL. We literally had to drag him down the driveway to show him that he wasn’t going to get shocked.

The training went very well and he finally started to understand that when we give him the command “Let’s Go” and take off down the driveway that he isn’t going to get shocked. He’s had a few regressions into being afraid (usually after someone has accidently dragged him down the driveway without taking his computer collar off) but on the whole, he is learning very quickly! And we are learning that we still have to keep a close eye on this puppy. You never know what’s going to happen when you turn your back! The trainer is coming back this week, so stay tuned for more training updates!


Savories of life said...

we have one of those fences too! It is jsut we lsot one of the collars. Wish they did not cost so mcuh. Would love to have you follow my blog.

Sarah said...

It sounds like you all have had some adventures with Mikey lately! Hopefully he figures out the invisible fence soon. :)

7 Eagles said...

Welcome to our blog, Savories of Life! We're glad you stopped by. I'm sorry to hear that you lost the computer collar for the electric fence! We'll have to make sure that we keep close tabs on our collar.


7 Eagles said...

Yes, we have indeed had several adventures with Mikey lately, Sarah! He is getting better with the fencing and has finished his training with the lady from Invisible Fence!
