Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Roma and Rubia's Birthday!

We recently celebrated Roma and Rubia’s birthday! My Grandparents came up to join us and we had a very full day of celebration.

We ate a delicious breakfast of French Toast to start the day.

As many of you know, our family has a tradition of going on birthday trips instead of having birthday parties. This year was no different; we spent the day at the Detroit Zoo! The weather turned out perfectly for a day at the Zoo.

The whole family at the Zoo (minus me of course. I was behind the camera.)

We took a train ride to the far end of the zoo, and found peacocks strutting all over the place. They are pretty tame and don’t mind walking around in the midst of squealing children and babies. J

You may not be able to see them well, but there are several Kangaroos in the picture. We went through the “Australian Outback Adventure” which took us through the Kangaroo habitat! Unfortunately, they all appeared to be snoozing, so they didn’t hop past us. But it was still neat!

I enjoyed watching the Meercats.

We were able to see the famous Polar Bears! Detroit Zoo is known for its underwater Polar Bear display. Sadly, once we got in the exhibit it was nap time! J Oh well.

We enjoyed a delicious lunch of sky-high burgers and fries.

The seals were awake and swimming around. They were fun to watch!

Here is the view from the underwater display. Pretty neat!

Now do you know why this exhibit is popular?

I think my favorite was the Penguinarium. These are King Penguins. We also saw Macaroni Penguins.
After the zoo, we stopped by Wal-Mart on the way home. The twins were told they were going to be picking out new bikes as their birthday gifts! They were so excited! They outgrew their old ones awhile back and were sharing my Mom’s old bike. They picked out very nice ones, and have put them to good use.

After a dinner of pizza, salad, chips, and salsa while watching our new movie, “The Penny” (a movie I highly recommend!) we had the twins birthday cake! They had a delicious “Elegant Chocolate Strawberry” cake, made with chocolate angel food cake, whipped cream and strawberries.

After the movie, they opened their birthday presents. They received many nice gifts, including these convertible tote bags/beach towels.

As a bit of a side note, the same day as the twins birthday, my parents celebrated their wedding anniversary! They will be enjoying a little getaway with just the two of them later this month.

So that was our day in a nutshell! We are so blessed to have Roma and Rubia and are so thankful that the Lord gave us twins! They are not “double trouble” but rather “double the fun!” J


Amy said...

Happy Birthday Roma and Rubia, and happy anniversary to your parents!

When I think of the Detroit Zoo, I always think of the penguins.

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday, Roma and Rubia! It looks like you all had a special day. :) I enjoyed seeing all of the photos and especially the ones from the zoo. What a neat place!

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, Betsy!

7 Eagles said...

Thank you, Amy! I will probably think of the penguins and polar bears when someone mentions the Detroit Zoo from now on!


7 Eagles said...

Thank you for your comment, Sarah! We really enjoyed our time of celebration at the zoo!
