Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Starting Seedlings

Last week I (finally) started my garden seeds! Yes, I know, I probably should have done that weeks ago. But we were really busy and winter has lingered, and lingered, and lingered some more. We’ve had such a late spring, and I’m not even sure I can say it has officially arrived yet. But without further ado, the planting of the seeds:

My Mom had bought me a terrarium that had 70 peat pots. To get started, I needed to water the pots so they would expand.

Then I loosened the dirt and netting with a fork.

I carefully opened my seed packets and began sorting out how many seeds I would need.

And then I planted them! I started Sweet 100’s (tomatoes), Chocolate Cherries (tomatoes), Jalapeños, Bell Peppers, Sweet Basil, Cantaloupe, and Ornamental Gourds. I selected these to start from seed because it was either recommended, or they had a prolonged growing season (such as the gourds which need 100-120 days to mature.) And unfortunately my nifty little signs had to come down in order for the lid to fit. L

All set up in front of a south facing window. Now all they need to do is grow!
I had to put some signs on the bathroom door because we have a crazy cat that LOVES the Jacuzzi that the plants are situated in, and he loves to eat any living, green object.
A few days later, this is what I found!!! Everything sprouted except for the peppers. The soil may just need to warm up some more.

I’m so excited!

So, that is the garden update for now! I would love to know any tips or advice on hardening off plants once they have matured, and/or thinning out plants while they are still in the peat pots. Thanks!


989cookie said...

what an interesting cat...

Amy said...

How fun to watch the seeds sprout!

Sarah said...

How exciting, Bianca! I am sure you were pretty happy when you started seeing the seeds sprout. :) It's always fun to see them start 'popping'!

As far as thinning, shortly after the seedlings sprout and I can see which one is growing the best, I will generally thin out all of the rest and leave the best one there. They grow much better when there is only one plant to a pot. I hope that helps! :)

And I hope that your seedlings do very well for you! (As well as your coming garden. :) Thank you for sharing this post and all of the photos as I enjoyed it!

7 Eagles said...

Oh my, 989cookie! If only you knew what else this "interesting cat" does! He throws temper tantrums when he can't go outside (these temper tantrums involve running around and jumping on things while meowing very loudly), he eats marshmallows and peanut butter, and plays in the bathtubs and sinks! He is crazy indeed. :-)


7 Eagles said...

It is very fun to watch them grow, Amy! Life is such a miracle and gift from God!


7 Eagles said...

I was indeed very happy to see my seedlings "popping" so soon, Sarah! Especially since I wasn't expecting them to come up so quickly.

Thank you for the tips on thinning the plants! I guess I'm a little unsure on my judgement on which ones are growing best, but I think I left enough room for myself to make some mistakes! I may even end up having too many plants if they all do well! But I suppose that's a better problem to have than not having enough come up.

Thanks again for your comment! I look forward to seeing more pictures and updates on your garden!


Debbie said...

In case you run out of room in your garden, Here's what my neighbor is doing. Our soil has to be amended to grow a good garden. She has large flower beds throughout her yard. Since they are already amended and successfully growing plants, she tucked vegetables and herbs in and around all of the flowers. The variety of foliage adds interest to her beds and soon she will be able to pick vegetables and flowers when she gardens :-)

7 Eagles said...

That's a neat idea, Aunt Debbie! I will have to keep that in mind. I've also thought of using pots for different things such as herbs so that I will have more room for vegetables in the garden.
