Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trip to Midland!

On Sunday, May 1st, we made a special trip to Midland for the day! There were several occasions: one, our dear friend was being baptized and there was a special luncheon for her and several other girls; two, there was a worship dance recital that day; and three, we were having a get-together with our dear friends after all the festivities.

First, the baptism. We are so excited for K’s commitment to follow the Lord in baptism and were thrilled to be there for this special occasion. She was baptized with 4 other close friends from her discipleship group. We pray that they will continue to grow strong in the Lord!

The baptism. (I apologize, the only good picture I had was one taken of the video screen.)

We had a delicious luncheon after church with the family and friends of the young ladies who were baptized.

The dance recital was beautiful! God has given us such a wonderful gift of dance.

“Let them praise His name with dancing and make music to Him with tambourine and harp.” Psalm 149:3.

After enjoying a wonderful morning and afternoon of catching up with old church friends, and watching the baptisms and dance recital, we went to our dear friends’ home for dinner and fellowship.

Mmm, I love pizza! Good thing there was plenty of it!

Enjoying dinner and LOTS of laughter together. J

After dinner, we burned off some steam—and calories—at a local park.

Good friends are such a blessing!
Photo taken by Roma.

The adults played a good game of “Set.”

After it grew too cold and dark to play outside, we played in the basement. Here the boys are playing a card game.
Photo taken by Roma.

Some of the others enjoyed a game of ping pong.
Photo taken by Roma.

All of us girls with our keepsake dolls that come to every get-together.
Over the years, we kids have gotten so close it feels like we are visiting cousins or “long-lost siblings” every time we get together!

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. We had to leave, but we look forward to seeing all our friends again soon!


Kristen said...

you guys going to go all the way to Japan to visit together?? :) I sure am!

989cookie said...

sounds like a fabulous visit!

7 Eagles said...

Um, no Miss Kristen! :-) We figure it's two families in MI and one in Japan, so they need to come visit us! But if you ever do visit them, we want to hear all about it!

And by the way, welcome to our blog! :-)


7 Eagles said...

It was a fabulouts visit, 989cookie! Our only trouble is we wish we could see EVERYBODY we know in Midland at the same time. But that never happens! I guess that means we'll just have to keep coming back! :-)
