Saturday, May 28, 2011

Recipe--Chocolate Chip Cookies (Not From a Mix! :-))

Ok, I know this isn’t really the healthiest recipe there is, but when you consider that we used to only make chocolate chip cookies from a mix or frozen package, homemade is better. I made these for a Boy Scout fundraiser recently, and they turned out very delicious, especially hot out of the oven.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 1/8 cups of sifted flour
½ tsp of salt
½ tsp of baking soda
12 TBS of butter (1 ½ sticks) melted and cooled
½ cup of granulated sugar
1 cup of brown sugar
1 large egg plus 1 egg yolk
1 cup of chocolate chips
1 cup of walnuts, chopped large
2 tsp of vanilla

Blend sugars, pour cooled butter over and beat; beat in eggs and vanilla; mix in flour by hand; stir in nuts and chips.

Feel free to sample the cookie dough as you shape the cookies. J I won’t say a word.

Heat oven to 325°F. Use 2 racks; bake for 8 minutes and switch racks; bake for another 8 minutes. Makes 18 large cookies.

Tricks: Use parchment paper or aluminum foil to line pans. Grease lined pans as well.

Put only 9 cookies per sheet.

Use a quarter cup measure—make ball; break ball in half; leave broken part on top.

This trick works pretty well!

This recipe makes a few extra cookies. They’re perfect for “test” cookies!


Delighting in Jesus said...

Hi Bianca,
Chocolate Chip Cookies is one of our favorite family recipes. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I completely agree with you! It reminds me of 1 Cor. 7:34 that says, "Here is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit..." May I use every day that I'm single to bring Him honor and glory! Why wouldn't I want to?!
Love in Christ,

Sarah said...

Mmm . . . these look good!!

7 Eagles said...

Thank you for your comment, Hannah! It brought a smile to my face. I wholeheartedly agree with what you said and the Bible verse you shared: the Lord has blessed me with single years to serve Him and I shouldn't fritter away that time, but rather joyfully serve Him!

Speaking of which, I recently read your book review on Jasmine Baucham's book, "Joyfully At Home." I am nearly finished with her book and have immensely enjoyed it! She is an excellent writer.

Thanks again for your comment!


7 Eagles said...

They were indeed deliciious, Sarah! There's nothing like a hot, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate chip cookie for an afternoon snack! :-)
