Monday, May 2, 2011

When I Call on Jesus

A few weeks ago, we heard about a Nicole C. Mullen concert in Michigan. We absolutely adore her song “When I Call on Jesus” and so we decided at the last minute to go to the concert. We were so glad that we did!

Nicole C. Mullen’s appearance was really only the icing on the cake. The whole concert was an outreach effort to a devastated city. There was a group there desiring to revive the city and bring salvation. For those of you who don’t live in Michigan, the unemployment rate is approximately 11%. Depending on where you get your statistics, Michigan is home to several cities that have made national lists of the most dangerous cities in the USA. Cities such as Detroit, Saginaw, Flint, and Pontiac, make most of those listings. If you walked downtown in any of these cities, you might think you were in a third world country. There are homes that have been reduced to piles of ashes, trash everywhere, gangs, drugs, children without proper clothing, prostitution, abandoned homes, and homeless people wandering the streets.

The concert really encouraged me in so many ways. First off, it reminded me of the powerful message of the gospel. Jesus is THE hope of the nations. Second, it convicted me that I have become very selfish. It is so easy for me to fall into the trap of throwing pity-parties and bemoaning my problems. Yes, I will face persecution for living out my faith. But isn’t that such a small price compared to what others have paid? People are murdered every day for their faith, and I’m worried about losing friends along the way? There are so many other people in the world who are crying out for the hope and love that Jesus gives, and I have been called to share that with them (Matthew 28:19.)

On the drive home, I thought about our own community. What could I do to share the gospel with my neighbors? Have churches in America become so focused on global missions that we completely ignore local missions? Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Notice the order Jesus gives us: first our own communities, then the state, the nation, and the world. So often we try to do missions backwards. Because of this, America is suffering spiritual death.

I have been challenged to think in terms of what I can do to help revive my own community and the spiritually bankrupt state of Michigan. What about your communities? Do you see people turning to the Lord and experiencing spiritual growth, or are people leaving churches and allowing their families to become broken? What are YOU going to do with CHRIST’S help and power? Are we as Christians faithfully praying for our communities and how we can better reach people? Because when we call on Jesus, ALL things are possible!


Delighting in Jesus said...

Hey Bianca,

My sister Alexis went to the Father/Daughter Retreat and met you. Since you emailed her we've been viewing your fascinating blog. I just wanted to comment about this post because this is exactly the same thing the Lord's impressed upon my heart after a movie our family watched last night. I know that if we allow Jesus to use us in whatever way He desires, He will! What an awesome God we serve and why would we not want to give Him our lives?! Thank you so much for affirming this in your post today!

Sister's in Christ,

7 Eagles said...

Thank you so much for your comment, Hannah! And welcome to our blog! I agree wholeheartedly with what you said; we serve an awesome God! I'd be curious to know what movie you watched. We are always looking for good movies to watch on our weekly movie night!

I look forward to reading your blog and looking over some of the older posts! Thanks again for your comment! Say hello to Alexis for me!


Delighting in Jesus said...

Hey Bianca,

I actually just wrote a post on my blog about the movie we watched. It was "The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry". We've also seen the movie "Time Changer" and thoroughly enjoyed it! Every Sunday night we have family movie night (with hand popped popcorn :) and it is so difficult to find some God-honoring, Christian films to be able to watch. We've also invited a couple of singles over to spend time with our family on movie night. It is such a blessing to be able to offer up our home for hospitality!! It's doing what the Scripture says and reaping the rewards thereof. May you be blessed as you continue to follow Jesus' leading in regards to hospitality.

Learning to delight in Jesus,

7 Eagles said...

"The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry" is one of our new favorite movies, Hannah! I really enjoyed reading your review of it. We like a lot of Rich Christiano films.

Your movie nights sound like a lot of fun! We would like to host more in our home. I like the idea of your family reaching out to singles who could probably use encouraging company! It reminds me of Psalm 68:6 where it says "God sets the lonely in families." We desire our home to be a place of encouragement to the lonely!

Thank you again for your comment! They are always appreciated.
