Friday, August 5, 2011

Favorite Sunday Afternoon Activities

Our family has made it a point to make Sunday look different than the rest of our week. We try our best not to do any work or use electronics (TV, computer, radio, etc.) until after 5:00 p.m. Over time, we’ve developed favorite “restful” activities that we do on Sunday afternoons after church that we normally don’t do during the week, including bringing out the “Sunday box.” This is a crate which is filled with coloring books, games, and other special toys and books that we are only allowed to use on Sunday. So without further ado, here are some of our favorite activities:

Mark—I enjoy reading the newspaper, followed by a nap, and then a favorite book. And I enjoy leading a family Bible study in the late afternoon.

Betsy—Sunday is my absolute favorite day of the week! After church, I like to bring my lunch out to my favorite spot in the living room—next to Mark J--and enjoy a casual meal with my hubby. Afterward we read, or I might write letters, or pull out old photos to look over. The children will often join us in the living room, to read or knit or play some quiet game. Around 4:00 p.m., we all get our Bibles and gather for a family Bible Study. It’s a wonderful way to end our Sabbath afternoon together!

Bianca—I usually do my daily devotions on Sunday afternoon since I don’t have as much time in the morning. I also enjoy reading the newspaper and whatever book I’m currently working on. Lately, we’ve been doing a Bible study called “Balancing the Sword” at 4:00 p.m. every Sunday afternoon. It’s been really fun studying the book of Acts together! I also enjoy watching different movies and documentaries from Vision Forum. We’ve watched “Reformers and Revolutionaries,” “Tea with Michelle Duggar,” and most recently, “Into the Amazon.”

Ben—I like to spend my afternoon reading the newspaper and reading history books.

Rubia—I like to read and knit. I enjoy doing other quiet crafts. Sometimes I nap too! J After 5:00 p.m., I like to go outside and play with neighbor kids.

Roma—After church I enjoy reading. Sometimes I take a nap. And I enjoy family Bible studies (Balancing the Sword.) In the evenings, I enjoy watching movies with our dinner.

Josiah—I really like to play outside on Sunday afternoons. When I pull out the Sunday box, I like to play a game called “Bible Baseball.”

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