Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sunday Luncheon With Friends

A couple of Sundays ago, we had some friends over from church for lunch. It was supposed to be the Middle School class and their families, but a lot of the kids were on vacation, so we only had 6 people plus our family. But we still had lots of fun fellowshipping together!

Some of our friends serving themselves the luncheon of nachos and toppings.
Mmm, it was delicious! We had tortilla chips with, beef, beans, tomatoes, salsa, hot sauce, cheddar cheese, cilantro, chives, sour cream, and chili powder.
Most of the girls (and ladies!) ate together in the kitchen. We had fun chatting together!
For dessert, we had ice cream with all the toppings, including, hardening Reeses and Heath chocolate sauce, caramel, sprinkles, and strawberry jam.
The younger girls went downstairs to play in the basement since there were too many bugs outside to play safely in the backyard.
The rest of us went outside to play volleyball in the front yard. We tried to move around enough that the mosquitoes didn’t have a chance to bite us.
And that was our afternoon in a nutshell! We really enjoyed our time with friends!

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