Friday, August 26, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

Guilty pleasures are something that we all have. They aren’t necessarily bad or wrong things, but perhaps not always the best for us. Or maybe it’s something we do too often. So please be understanding when you read ours! They’re not necessarily things we do often, so keep that in mind!

Mark—I like to eat chocolate chips when I get home from work. I also like Frosty's from Wendy’s. If Sunday afternoon naps count, then I take one of those.

Betsy—I like to eat peanut-butter and chocolate chip sandwiches for lunch! At least I sometimes add raisins, too—those are healthy, right? I sometimes enjoy re-reading my favorite children’s books, instead of the more instructive and edifying homeschool books I should be reading. And if I could, I would spend a whole day lolling around in my pj’s. That’s one thing I love about New Year’s Day…it’s Pajama Day!

Bianca—I have a rather guilty pleasure of splurging on $4-$5 smoothies at Tropical Smoothie. I really love the Bahama Mama and Sunrise, Sunset smoothies. But I don’t do that very often! I also enjoy sitting and reading for a whole afternoon. That’s a guilty pleasure because 1) usually there’s some other work that I could/should be doing and 2) I usually binge-read novels (good novels, but still novels.)

Ben—My guilty pleasure is reaching into the chocolate chip container and tossing a bunch of yummy chocolate chips down my throat. J I get this from Daddy! I also like playing Madden (a computer football game) almost every day, but only for 15 minutes. When I go down to practice drums, I end up spending an hour down there reading books from our various shelves.

Rubia—Sometimes—like the others—I snack on unhealthy things when I should be avoiding sugar. I also read longer than I’m supposed to (especially with interesting books! J)

Roma—Sometimes I read dog books, when instead I should be doing my devotions in the morning (oops! J) Other times I get chocolate chips from the cabinet also like Ben and Dad.

Josiah—I like to eat marshmallows before breakfast with my juice. I also like playing computer games as Ben does. Mom only lets me do that twice a week.


Amy said...

I like to binge read mystery novels. Sometimes on Friday night, or a vacation night I stay up hours finishing a who-done-it. (It's definitely a binge because when I read for that long I end up with a headache.)

Debbie said...

Hey Bianca, Lindsey likes Tropical Smoothies too. Her favorite is Blimey Limey.

And Betsy, when our lunch menu gets boring, we have an "Aunt Betsy Sandwich" (peanutbutter and chocolate chip) :-)

7 Eagles said...

It sounds like you really binge read, Amy! Even more so than I do. I believe I'd get in trouble for staying up past my bedtime or fall asleep before I'd get a headache from binge reading. But perhaps I just haven't found a good enough book to keep me awake that long. ;-) Any recommendations?


7 Eagles said...

The Blimey Limey smoothie sounds like something Lindsey would like, Aunt Debbie! I like the Bahama Mama and Sunrise, Sunset smoothies.

We laughed about the "Aunt Betsy" sandwiches! :-) It's good to know that you think of us even during your lunch hour!
